Sunday, January 22, 2006

22 weeks...

Okay, so it's been about a week and a half now since we found out that our baby is an Audrey! We are sooo excited!! And may I say that she is spoiled already! Just since we found out that she was a girl she has gotten the following: 2 rattles, a set of bath toys, a rubber ducky, 2 pairs of butterfly booties, another pair of little booties, a pair of butterfly rattle mittens, 2 bibs, a 'dadd'y's girl' onsie, a receiving blanket, a cuuute dress, a headband, and the cutest, frilly newborn shoes that you'll ever see!
Audrey is now getting very active. There are a lot more times during the day that I feel her moving about... and nope, you can't feel her from the outside, yet! I'm also finding myself getting more and more nauseous as time goes on...and here I thought that it was just going to get better, oh well, you win some and lose some, I guess. I'm also getting HUGE in the belly. I now look pregnant even when sitting down. I can't imagine 18 more weeks of growing!! But time is starting to go by faster now. The first trimester seemed to drag, but now it kind of seems like time is starting to fly. There seems like there is still so much left to do before Audrey comes and it seems like I have just enough time to do it in!
Oh, I went and registered this past week at both Babies 'R' Us and Target. (Thanks to Shannon for helping me get over my scanner inhibitions!) ;p I went absolutely CRAZY with the scanning, but oh well! I had lots of fun. I'm really excited about her bedding, it's called Gossamer Wings and it's at Babies 'R' Us and it's soooo precious!
Oh and I'll try to put up a new pic tomorrow. Anyways, onto the baby stuff for this week.

Your Baby's Development This Week:
Your baby is able to pick up and react to more stimuli. For example, music, sudden loud noises, or vibrations from a bus ride can stir your baby into activity.

Other Changes That Are Happening:
~Your baby's brain is growing rapidly and will continue to grow for the next five years.
~Though your baby is gaining important amounts of fat, he or SHE is still very lean at 1% body fat.
~The baby's eyelids are making blinking movements though they are still fused shut.

Baby's Size (head to rump) and Weight This Week:
Size: About 7.6 inches.
Weight: Approximately 12.5 ounces.

Right now your baby is about the size of a child's mini Nerf football.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice...

...that's what our baby is made of. That's right we're having a baby GIRL!! We had our ultrasound today and it was amazing! We got to see her moving around and opening and closing her mouth. We saw her eyes, nose, mouth, knuckles, feet, legs, thigh bone, spine, etc. Even though we only saw her onscreen, I think that she's beautiful. She is measuring right on schedule and we saw her little heart just beating away! Oh, and by the way, her name is going to be Audrey Elizabeth which means noble strength consecrated by God. I'm so overjoyed right now! She's amazing...

The pics are in this order:
#1- Audrey's knuckles!
#2- At the top you can see her spine.
#3- These are her little feet.
#4- It's a girl! Where girl is printed is the space where there are no little boy parts!
#5- This is Audrey's can see her eyes, nose, and mouth!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Then and Now...

Well, I was looking at my pregnancy pictures and I realized that I have grown a HUGE amount since my first one was taken. I just thought that I'd show you guys the difference!
The first pic is at 12 weeks and the second at 20 weeks.
Amazing what 8 weeks can do to the belly of a pregnant woman!!

20 weeks = Halfway there!!

So I've hit the halfway point now! It seems like I've been pregnant FOREVER!! But now the countdown begins, yea! Let's see what's going on with me this week? The baby is really starting to become active, especially at night. It is a wonderful yet completely weird feeling. And sometimes I end up jumping because the kick is so hard that it actually scares me! Also, we get to find out the sex of the baby on Wednesday, so less than three days left to go. I've been looking forward to this for awhile. Keep your fingers crossed that the baby cooperates and doesn't cross its legs or anything!

The gender poll, as of now, looks like this:
Boy: 19 people think this.
Girl: 14 people think this.
We'll see in a few days who was right!

Your baby's development this week:
You and the baby have really been growing! By now, you have probably put on 12 pounds, plus or minus a few. While much development remains, the rapid growth rate of the baby is going to slow down just a little near this time. To aid in muscle development, the amniotic fluid is supporting the baby's movements. Your baby is quite the little gymnast and is getting busy with twists, turns, and forward somersaults!

Other changes that are happening:
~The baby's eyebrows are now forming.
~Your baby is sleeping and waking much like a newborn at this time.
~Permanent hair is now growing on the scalp, but even this hair will fall out the second week after birth, and will be replaced by thicker hair.

Baby's size this week: About 5.3 to 6.5 inches (head to rump).

Baby's Weight: Approximately 9 ounces.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

19.5 weeks...

I know that I'm late with this post, as usual. Hopefully at some point I will actually get these posts written at the beginning of the week instead of the end!!
Well, this week hasn't been much different from the last. The baby is starting to kick a lot harder now. Not to the point that it can be felt from the outside, yet. Hopefully within a few weeks it will be hard enough for Bryan to feel. Also, the major difference this week is the building of anticipation as the date that we can find out the sex approaches. If the baby cooperates with us, we will be finding out in 6 days!
On that note... you only have 6 more days left to get your vote in for the sex poll.
So far the results are:
Boy- 16 think this.
Girl- 9 think this.
Let me know what you think!
Your baby's development this week:
The baby is developing at a steady pace and has undergone some incredible changes. This week, the baby begins taking on more fat, which is very important for its ability to create and maintain heat and for metabolism. If your baby is a girl, primitive egg cells are developing in her ovaries. Girls are born with all the eggs they will ever have. The egg you released to conceive this baby is as old as you are!
Other changes that are happening:
~The baby's ears now stand out from the head.
~The placenta will continue to grow from this point on, but only in diameter, not thickness.
~This week a temporary hair called lanugo will appear on the baby's body and head, but will disappear by birth. No one is sure of the purpose of this hair.
Baby's size (head to rump) this week: 5.25- 6 inches
Weight: Approximately 7 ounces
Right now your baby is about the size of a small banana.