Thursday, March 30, 2006

31.5 weeks...

Okay, so I didn't put up a post last week, and I haven't done a belly picture in several...I know, I'm falling down on the job!

Yesterday I had a 3D/4D ultasound done, which you can read about (and see) in the previous post. I also had a doctor's appointment, which I definitely needed. I've been swelling up really bad, to the point where it's hurting. Yesterday my feet kind of resembled blown up surgical gloves...yuck! Also, three of the fingers on my right hand have been constantly numb, and anytime I grip anything with my right hand it falls asleep almost instantly. I even have been having a hard time signing my name. Well, the doctor told me that I have pregnancy carpal tunnel in my right hand. Basically since I'm so swollen the swelling has pinched a nerve in my wrist that causes the numbing and tingling. All that I can really do for this right now is wear a wrist brace to stabilize my wrist. He said that once I have the baby it should go away. Fun, almost two more months with numb fingers!! As far as my swelling goes, he said that he wants to get it under control because it puts me at a slightly higher risk for toxemia (though my blood pressure is and has been great). I'm not supposed to drink any soda, I'm supposed to watch my salt intake, and I'm supposed to keep my feet up as much as possible. So, that's what I'm doing. Today the swelling has gone down a lot in my ankles and feet (although they are still swollen), you can actually feel the bone in my ankles now!! I slept with them up all night, which really seemed to help! So this is my main focus right now...

So, we're at over 31 weeks now. I've got 5 weeks and 3 days until I'm considered full term, and 8 weeks 3 days until my due date! Yea! It's all coming very fast now. On Tuesday Bryan and I start child birth classes, those run for 3.5 hours every Tuesday in April. I'm actually really looking forward to it!

Here's about how big Audrey is...
Weight: about 3.5 pounds
Total length: about 18 inches
(These figures are out of a book, not based on doctor's measurements!)

3D/4D ultrasound...Round Two!

So yesterday I had the re-do of my 3D/4D ultrasound. As you know Audrey was very much uncooperative the last time around. This time wasn't much better, but at least we got a few good shots of her! She spent almost the entire time trying to hide her face. If it wasn't in the placenta it was behind her hand, or even at one point she had both her hand and her foot covering her face! We got to see that she has Bryan's full lips, and my nose! Also, she is now head down!!

Picture #1: Her little face!
Picture #2: Bryan's lips and my nose!
Picture #3: Her little foot up by her face!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baby Shower #1!!

So, this past Saturday was my first baby shower! It was SOOOO much fun! I got tons of great stuff for Audrey. She is definitely going to be one girly-girl, you should have seen how much pink was in that room!!
I guess I'll tell you a bit about the shower. It was thrown by my bestest buddy, Shannon, with some help from my mom. They did a fabulous job. I know that a LOT of thought and planning went into it and I'm so grateful! We had some light finger foods there, I left stuffed! And the cakes were actually cupcake cakes, meaning they were individual cupcakes iced as one big sheet cake and the design on top matched the design on the cups, napkins, and plates. It was very yummy!
We played three games, two were team games and one was a game between four people. The team games were coming up with a list of songs that have the word baby in them, the catch to this game is that if you didn't know the artist or movie the song came from, you had to sing it. The team with the most songs had 14, mine had 13. For the second team game each table had three unlabeled jars of baby food, and we had to guess what they were, either by smelling or tasting them. No one got all three exact! For both of those games the people on the winning teams got to pick out prizes from a box for me! They were things like baby wash, lotion, oil, a rattle, etc. The last game was hysterical to watch. The four people had four diapers and they had to figure out what substance was in each diaper (it was various kinds of chocolate bars). One of the contestants in that game was a little girl named Olivia, that is probably about 7 years old. When Shannon came out with the diapers and said we're going to play 'Guess what's in the diaper', Olivia's response was priceless, she had this incredibly sour look on her face and said 'Oh my God!' It was great! Anyways, the winner of that game won me a pack of diapers!
I had a wonderful time and I can't thank Shannon or my mom enough, it really meant the world to me!
Here's the link to the pictures from the shower...

Also, don't mind the way I look in the pictures, I almost had a heartattack when I saw how swollen I was!! I've been swelling a lot lately...oh the joys of pregnancy!

Friday, March 17, 2006

3D/4D ultrasound...Round One

Well, yesterday we went in for our 3D/4D ultrasound, which you all know I was very much looking forward to.
Well, Audrey decided to be stubborn and difficult. First, she is in a breech position and second, she kept moving her head around and wouldn't give us a clear view of her face. We did get to see her face very briefly, but it wasn't clear at the guy was nice enough to reschedule us for Wednesday, March 29th. Hopefully by then she will have flipped herself around and, fingers-crossed, she'll be more cooperative!
One thing that we did get to find out is that she is definitely still a she! I've been really worried lately that we were going to go in and find out that our little girl was actually a little boy (since we'd only had the one ultrasound before), so needless to say I was very relieved.
So, I'll (hopefully) be posting the 3D/4D pics in two weeks!
Also, stay tuned next week for baby shower pics!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

29 weeks...

Okay, so what's going on with me this week? Let's see...not too much. I'm just anticipating Audrey's arrival! We've got less than 11 weeks to go before her due date! Yea! It's amazing to think that I'm actually going to be someone's mom soon. Wow!

Also, on Thursday we get our 3D/4D ultrasound done. I'm really looking forward to that, I can't wait to see what her little face looks like! I'll make sure to post the pics either late Thursday or early Friday so that all of y'all can see her.

I also have a 3 hour long breastfeeding class on Thursday evening. I'm actually looking forward to that also. I like learning about pregnancy and baby related stuff.

Then, on Saturday is my first baby shower!!! As you can tell by my exclamation points I'm excited about it!!! Today I've been clearing space in our bedroom to accomodate some of her things. I also cleared out a few drawers in our dresser for her, but of course those are almost filled up with stuff that we've already bought or been given. Anyways, I'm going to keep this short and sweet, so, bye!

Your baby is accumulating more fat on his or her body, which helps smooth the skin.

Your baby is about the size of an American football.

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to accomodate her brain--which is busy developing billions of neurons.

Monday, March 06, 2006

28 weeks...

Well, now I have less than 12 weeks to go before my due date arrives. It seems crazy to me that it really is coming up that fast. Before I know it there will be a little baby here.

It's neat being pregnant, getting to feel her move around inside and seeing my belly get bigger and bigger, but in all honesty I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore. I recently began getting more and more uncomfortable. I've had some wicked episodes of heartburn recently, I'm getting up 2-3 times a night to use the restroom, walking up three flights of stairs to our apartment is now a very slow process, etc, etc! But most of all, I just want to have my baby here, finally!

I know that the next few months are going to fly by (at least that's what everyone is telling me). But sometimes it just seems like time is standing still, or maybe moving, but only at a snails pace.

Anyways, enough complaining. On Thursday I had my first prenatal class. It was three hours of baby care. I actually had a pretty good time. And if I may boast a bit, I'm a darn good baby swaddler!! So, that's one class down and five to go. Next Thursday I have a breastfeeding class, and then I have a childbirth class every week in April.

On Wednesday I have a doctor's appointment where I get to get a shot...yea!! And then I'll have one in three weeks. Also, in less than two weeks I get to have my first baby shower, which I am so thrilled about. So I guess things are moving along a bit, huh?

Right now I'm feeling huge in the belly, and then I stop and think that she has probably five or more pounds to gain before she's ready to make her entrance into the world. Man, I'm going to be enormous!!

Your baby's eyelashes are developing, as subcutaneous fat is deposited.

Your baby is about 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels and weighs about 2 pounds 4 ounces.

With her eyesight maturing, your baby can actually see light through the womb and will even turn towad a light now.