So as anyone who is or has been the parent of a toddler knows full well, life is never boring with the little ones around! And I swear they are comedic without even trying. Here are a couple of "haha" stories courtesy of Audrey.
On Saturday Bryan was watching Audrey while I was at a women's meeting at church. I guess that they were hanging out in our room. Bryan was laying on the bed reading and Audrey was playing on the floor in front of our mirrored closet. Bryan looks over and sees that Audrey has taken her shirt off and is attempting to put on one of my bras that she found. Sorry Sweet Pea, it's going to take MANY more years until you can fill that bad boy out!
And, on Sunday morning Audrey witnessed her first spider killing courtesy of Uncle Andy. We were hanging out in the church nursery during Sunday School and Audrey was sitting on the steps of the little toddler slide that they have in there, well Sara and I look over at the same time and see a big brown spider right next to Audrey's feet (Audrey at this point was oblivious). Sara bravely reaches in and lifts Audrey to safety (during this time Audrey noticed the spider and since we were freaking out, I think she got a bit scared). Uncle Andy came to the rescue and stomped on that bad spider and found a paper towel and got rid of it. Well, this morning (two days later) I was getting Audrey dressed in her room when she spots the teeniest spider ever run across the floor (isn't it interesting how kids always spot the smallest things?!) and as soon as I put her shoes on her she runs to where the spider was, lifts up her foot and says, "I touch it's back mommy?!". I burst out laughing and in the moment that Audrey was distracted the spider got away.