#1 - Audrey is now showing her Obama pride by giving fist bumps. These are just as important (or even moreso) than high fives to my little Audgie from the block! If she does something that she's proud of she'll yell, "I did it!" and then she comes up to you with her tiny fist in front of her and says, "Me dab!" (interpretation = "give me a dab"). Needless to say, daddy is proud!
#2 - I think Audrey has been watching a little too much 'Cinderella' (is twice a day everyday too much?!) because now she has taken to calling me "mudder" (or mother to those of us who can speak properly). For those of you who are not lucky enough to watch 'Cinderella' on a regular basis (sense the sarcasm folks!), Cinderella refers to her evil step mother as, well, step mother. So randomly now Audrey will come up to me and ask, "You okay mudder?". I've even been called mudder-mama before. Oh well, as long as she doesn't start adding step in there too, I guess I'll live...