Wow! In less than a week lil' miss Audrey will be 8 months old! I can't believe it. Time is just flying by so fast. A lot has gone on since my last post!
Audrey is now eating LOTS of solids. She's eating three "solid" meals a day, plus a snack of a teething biscuit and juice. All of this on top of her formula! I'm trying to get her to drink out of a sippy cup, but she would rather drink out of a regular glass, so we're working on it. I really want her to be off the bottle at a year old. Her favorite foods are apples, squash, pears, and sweet potatoes. She doesn't really care for peas or bananas. And she is completely enthralled with our food and drinks. Every time we eat or drink she's reaching her little hand out to get some. Over Thanksgiving she had her first taste of mashed potatoes, and boy did she love them!
She's still a little small for age, weighing in at about 16.5 lbs at almost 8 months. But she is sure thriving! She started crawling on her hands and knees right after Halloween and she gets where she wants to go FAST! And within the last two weeks she has started to sit up unassisted and is now pulling herself into both kneeling and standing positions. The easiest place for her to pull herself onto her feet is in her crib, a lot of other places just don't have the same good grip, but she still tries!
Audrey's also now learning to clap. It's so cute when she does it! The other day she actually made a little noise that sounded like she was saying, "Yea!" (which is what I say when falls and bumps her head). She is also a babbling fool! She's saying a bunch of different consonants and every once in awhile (probably on a fluke) she says simple words, like dada, mama, yeah, yes, okay, etc.
As far as Bryan and I go, everything is going pretty great! Bryan started a new job a little over month ago and he absolutely LOVES it! He's working at a company called National Instruments, doing customer service stuff. NI has been ranked on Forbes top 100 companies to work for 7 years running. They are really employee friendly there. Right now he's in a temp position, but it's a temp to hire! So in less than 60 days they'll be evaluating him and hiring him in full time. We also just moved into our first house and we're loving that! I'm still unpacking and putting stuff away, you just really don't realize how much stuff you have until you move!
Anyways, I will be taking Audrey's Christmas pictures this week, so I'll put those up soon!
Audrey is now eating LOTS of solids. She's eating three "solid" meals a day, plus a snack of a teething biscuit and juice. All of this on top of her formula! I'm trying to get her to drink out of a sippy cup, but she would rather drink out of a regular glass, so we're working on it. I really want her to be off the bottle at a year old. Her favorite foods are apples, squash, pears, and sweet potatoes. She doesn't really care for peas or bananas. And she is completely enthralled with our food and drinks. Every time we eat or drink she's reaching her little hand out to get some. Over Thanksgiving she had her first taste of mashed potatoes, and boy did she love them!
She's still a little small for age, weighing in at about 16.5 lbs at almost 8 months. But she is sure thriving! She started crawling on her hands and knees right after Halloween and she gets where she wants to go FAST! And within the last two weeks she has started to sit up unassisted and is now pulling herself into both kneeling and standing positions. The easiest place for her to pull herself onto her feet is in her crib, a lot of other places just don't have the same good grip, but she still tries!
Audrey's also now learning to clap. It's so cute when she does it! The other day she actually made a little noise that sounded like she was saying, "Yea!" (which is what I say when falls and bumps her head). She is also a babbling fool! She's saying a bunch of different consonants and every once in awhile (probably on a fluke) she says simple words, like dada, mama, yeah, yes, okay, etc.
As far as Bryan and I go, everything is going pretty great! Bryan started a new job a little over month ago and he absolutely LOVES it! He's working at a company called National Instruments, doing customer service stuff. NI has been ranked on Forbes top 100 companies to work for 7 years running. They are really employee friendly there. Right now he's in a temp position, but it's a temp to hire! So in less than 60 days they'll be evaluating him and hiring him in full time. We also just moved into our first house and we're loving that! I'm still unpacking and putting stuff away, you just really don't realize how much stuff you have until you move!
Anyways, I will be taking Audrey's Christmas pictures this week, so I'll put those up soon!