...15 weeks to go!! Let's see, what's going on this week...I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, everything is looking great! I have to go in either this week or next and do my glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes, they gave me this lemon-lime drink that looks NASTY! Hopefully I'll pass the one hour test so that I don't have to go back for the three hour test. Also, they are going to check my blood for anemia and check my antibodies, if my antibodies are normal then I have to get my Rhogam shot at my next appointment (since I'm Rh negative). Fun stuff!! Let's see, what else? Oh, yeah, it looks like I'm going to be getting a 4-D ultrasound, yea! That will probably happen in about 3 or 4 more weeks, and we'll be able to see what little Audrey actually looks like! And we'll also be able to make sure that our little girl is in fact a little girl!! I can't wait for that!
It seems to be getting closer and closer...in about 2.5 weeks I have my infant care class, and then 2 weeks after that I have a breastfeeding class and then 2 days after that is my first baby shower!! Yea! Can you tell that I'm excited about all of this stuff?! Because if you can't tell then I should let you know that I am!
Oh, here is something kind of strange, the other night I was sleeping on my left side and I was having a dream that I was sitting on a couch and there was someone sitting next to me on the couch and they were tapping me in the side with their foot, well all of sudden I woke up from my dream and it was actually Audrey kicking me really hard in that same spot...kinda weird how reality slipped over into dream world, huh?!
Anyways, I guess that's enough babbling for this week...
Audrey's development this week:
There are many interesting developments going on with the baby right now. The tiniest blood vessels, capillaries, are developing under the baby's skin and turning the color of the baby from a transparent to a pinkish appearance. The baby's nostrils begin to open and the buds for the baby's permanent teeth begin to form.
Other changes that are happening:
It seems to be getting closer and closer...in about 2.5 weeks I have my infant care class, and then 2 weeks after that I have a breastfeeding class and then 2 days after that is my first baby shower!! Yea! Can you tell that I'm excited about all of this stuff?! Because if you can't tell then I should let you know that I am!
Oh, here is something kind of strange, the other night I was sleeping on my left side and I was having a dream that I was sitting on a couch and there was someone sitting next to me on the couch and they were tapping me in the side with their foot, well all of sudden I woke up from my dream and it was actually Audrey kicking me really hard in that same spot...kinda weird how reality slipped over into dream world, huh?!
Anyways, I guess that's enough babbling for this week...
Audrey's development this week:
There are many interesting developments going on with the baby right now. The tiniest blood vessels, capillaries, are developing under the baby's skin and turning the color of the baby from a transparent to a pinkish appearance. The baby's nostrils begin to open and the buds for the baby's permanent teeth begin to form.
Other changes that are happening:
- The baby will develop a very strong grip this month.
- Nails are continuing to grow from the nail bed and will cover the nail as well.
- Blood vessels are forming in the lungs.
Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: About 8.75 inches
Weight: Approximately 1.5 lbs
Your baby this week is about the size of a household telephone.
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