So today is Audrey's 9 month "birthday". I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I'm already starting to think about her first birthday party. Man, what happened to that little 3 1/2 pound baby that I once held in my arms? The tiny, preemie that seemed so fragile and just wanted to eat and sleep all the time! Well, she's now so big that she no longer resembles a preemie at all!
Our big news today is that Audrey is FINALLY no longer toothless! I actually just realized that a few minutes ago. I was feeding her lunch (guava & sweet potatoes) and I saw some white on her gums so I put my finger in her mouth and then made her smile and sure enough, her two front, bottom teeth are now appearing! After months and months of teething we're finally here. And the funny thing is, it hasn't seemed like she's been teething recently!
Audrey's first Christmas was a wonderful one! We were in San Antonio on the 23rd and 24th of December. She got to see a lot of family that we hardly ever get to see. It's funny, going back to how big she is, my cousin, Malena, is like 11 days or so older than Audrey, and she was a full term baby, and a big baby at that! Now Audrey is at least the same size as her, and possibly a bit bigger!! Anyways, on Christmas Eve my mom and I took Audrey to get her ears pierced. Yes, I put my baby through that! She actually did very well. After they did the first ear she let out a big cry, so the lady hurried and did the second one and then we stuck a bottle in her and she was a-okay! She's barely even noticed them. And since she got them, I no longer have anyone telling me what a cute little boy I have!
We came back to Austin the night of the 24th and had our own little Christmas morning at home and then went to my in-laws for presents and lunch. All in all it was probably the best Christmas we've had since Bryan and I got married!
Let's see, what else is Audrey doing. She now takes steps while holding onto things. Like, she'll walk around the inside of her playpen and her crib (holding on, of course). She's become a pro at pulling herself up! It's funny, she's now learned a way to sit down from the standing position in her playpen. She bends over forward and plants the top of her head (and sometimes her face) into the netting on the side of the playpen, lets her hands go and just slides down with her head until she plops down on her behind. It's actually quite funny to watch!
She eats lots of stuff now. She's not very picky about the baby food I feed her and will eat pretty much anything. So to keep her that way I want to stay away from feeding sweets and stuff. I want her to keep on liking veggies and fruits. I wanted to make her food, but I just never got into it, so she eats jarred food, so I'm trying to make sure the only ingredients in her food are simple ones, just the fruits, veggies, meats, grains, etc. Hopefully if I keep this stuff up it will pay off in the long run. One thing that she absolutely loves are the Gerber Wagon Wheels. She will take a whole one and stick it all the way in her mouth and then wait for it to dissolve and try to swallow it down!
She's finally on a pretty good schedule. I haven't really tried to hard in the past to get her on one, but since she is now it's WONDERFUL!! I will definitely be starting that early with the next one! Her schedule goes loosely as follows:
6:30 - 7ish: wake up
7:45: breakfast (one jar fruit & water)
8:45: bottle and nap
12noon: lunch (one jar veggies & water)
2:00: bottle and nap
4:00: snack (wagon wheels, veggie puffs, juice)
6ish: dinner (one jar baby meal & water)
8:45: bottle and bed
She's still waking up in the middle of the night, but slowly we're getting that gone!
Well, that's it for right now...
Our big news today is that Audrey is FINALLY no longer toothless! I actually just realized that a few minutes ago. I was feeding her lunch (guava & sweet potatoes) and I saw some white on her gums so I put my finger in her mouth and then made her smile and sure enough, her two front, bottom teeth are now appearing! After months and months of teething we're finally here. And the funny thing is, it hasn't seemed like she's been teething recently!
Audrey's first Christmas was a wonderful one! We were in San Antonio on the 23rd and 24th of December. She got to see a lot of family that we hardly ever get to see. It's funny, going back to how big she is, my cousin, Malena, is like 11 days or so older than Audrey, and she was a full term baby, and a big baby at that! Now Audrey is at least the same size as her, and possibly a bit bigger!! Anyways, on Christmas Eve my mom and I took Audrey to get her ears pierced. Yes, I put my baby through that! She actually did very well. After they did the first ear she let out a big cry, so the lady hurried and did the second one and then we stuck a bottle in her and she was a-okay! She's barely even noticed them. And since she got them, I no longer have anyone telling me what a cute little boy I have!
We came back to Austin the night of the 24th and had our own little Christmas morning at home and then went to my in-laws for presents and lunch. All in all it was probably the best Christmas we've had since Bryan and I got married!
Let's see, what else is Audrey doing. She now takes steps while holding onto things. Like, she'll walk around the inside of her playpen and her crib (holding on, of course). She's become a pro at pulling herself up! It's funny, she's now learned a way to sit down from the standing position in her playpen. She bends over forward and plants the top of her head (and sometimes her face) into the netting on the side of the playpen, lets her hands go and just slides down with her head until she plops down on her behind. It's actually quite funny to watch!
She eats lots of stuff now. She's not very picky about the baby food I feed her and will eat pretty much anything. So to keep her that way I want to stay away from feeding sweets and stuff. I want her to keep on liking veggies and fruits. I wanted to make her food, but I just never got into it, so she eats jarred food, so I'm trying to make sure the only ingredients in her food are simple ones, just the fruits, veggies, meats, grains, etc. Hopefully if I keep this stuff up it will pay off in the long run. One thing that she absolutely loves are the Gerber Wagon Wheels. She will take a whole one and stick it all the way in her mouth and then wait for it to dissolve and try to swallow it down!
She's finally on a pretty good schedule. I haven't really tried to hard in the past to get her on one, but since she is now it's WONDERFUL!! I will definitely be starting that early with the next one! Her schedule goes loosely as follows:
6:30 - 7ish: wake up
7:45: breakfast (one jar fruit & water)
8:45: bottle and nap
12noon: lunch (one jar veggies & water)
2:00: bottle and nap
4:00: snack (wagon wheels, veggie puffs, juice)
6ish: dinner (one jar baby meal & water)
8:45: bottle and bed
She's still waking up in the middle of the night, but slowly we're getting that gone!
Well, that's it for right now...
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