Okay, here is the next and final step of the Making Your Home a Haven Challenge!!
Step Three - Do Something!!!
Day One- Each day I'm going to be giving you a simple organizational task to complete in your home. And today we're going to start at the very beginning--a very good place to start!
Put on an apron, light a candle, and turn on some uplifting music. Then go to your front door and pretend that you're a first time visitor to your home. Walk in and take a look around. What is your immediate impression of your home? Is it calm and clean or cluttered and chaotic? Take 5-15 minutes to clean, de-clutter and beautify your entry way. Do a quick pick up if there are items out of place, mop or vacuum the floor, shake the rug, spot clean the walls, and rearrange things.
My entryway goes into the whole main part of my house, living room/office and kitchen and dining room. So I'll need to do a major straightening of all these rooms. I don't think that I'll post "before" pictures because I feel like a tornado went through my whole house, but maybe I'll post some "after" pictures!!--Done cleaning!
Here is the "office" part of the living room. You can also see Audrey's room down the hall.

Here is the living room.

Here is the kitchen.

And here is the dining room. I put Audrey in her chair to color while I took pictures so she wouldn't mess up the house! All I have left to do now is push the dog pen back into the corner once the dog's linens are done (they're in the washer right now), and put up that shirt once it's finished drying.

Day Two- Since we tackled our entryways yesterday, we're moving onto our living rooms today. Light a candle, put on your apron, turn on some uplifting music, and then set the timer for ten minutes and get busy cleaning your living room. Start by throwing out trash, putting away misplaced items, and straightening up things. If you have time do a quick dust and vacuum of the room.
Well, this one is easy since it applies to yesterday's challenge for me!! The living room/office area are now clean except for some clean clothes on the couch that need to be folded and put away and the ironing board which needs to be put away (I'm waiting until after Audrey's nap is over for that as not to wake the little princess up!!).--ALL DONE!!!
Day Three- Today we're going to focus on the laundry and laundry room. Light a candle, put on your apron, turn on some uplifting music and get busy!
Your goal by the end of today is to have all your laundry finished, folded and put away. For those of you with a laundry room or laundry area, take some time to organize and clean up this area. Wipe down your washer and dryer, check for socks and other articles of clothing on the sides of and behind your washer and dryer, and clean out your dryer lint.
This is now done. Well, almost. I already wiped down the washer and dryer. I also shook out the rug in the room and swept the floor. As far as doing laundry goes I had a load in the dryer and a load in the washer this morning when I woke up, I also did a load of sheets. All three loads are now put away. Right now I have the dog's linens in the washer so I just need to dry those and put them back in the dog pen. YAY!!!
Step Three - Do Something!!!
Day One- Each day I'm going to be giving you a simple organizational task to complete in your home. And today we're going to start at the very beginning--a very good place to start!
Put on an apron, light a candle, and turn on some uplifting music. Then go to your front door and pretend that you're a first time visitor to your home. Walk in and take a look around. What is your immediate impression of your home? Is it calm and clean or cluttered and chaotic? Take 5-15 minutes to clean, de-clutter and beautify your entry way. Do a quick pick up if there are items out of place, mop or vacuum the floor, shake the rug, spot clean the walls, and rearrange things.
My entryway goes into the whole main part of my house, living room/office and kitchen and dining room. So I'll need to do a major straightening of all these rooms. I don't think that I'll post "before" pictures because I feel like a tornado went through my whole house, but maybe I'll post some "after" pictures!!--Done cleaning!
Here is the "office" part of the living room. You can also see Audrey's room down the hall.

Here is the living room.

Here is the kitchen.

And here is the dining room. I put Audrey in her chair to color while I took pictures so she wouldn't mess up the house! All I have left to do now is push the dog pen back into the corner once the dog's linens are done (they're in the washer right now), and put up that shirt once it's finished drying.

Day Two- Since we tackled our entryways yesterday, we're moving onto our living rooms today. Light a candle, put on your apron, turn on some uplifting music, and then set the timer for ten minutes and get busy cleaning your living room. Start by throwing out trash, putting away misplaced items, and straightening up things. If you have time do a quick dust and vacuum of the room.
Well, this one is easy since it applies to yesterday's challenge for me!! The living room/office area are now clean except for some clean clothes on the couch that need to be folded and put away and the ironing board which needs to be put away (I'm waiting until after Audrey's nap is over for that as not to wake the little princess up!!).--ALL DONE!!!
Day Three- Today we're going to focus on the laundry and laundry room. Light a candle, put on your apron, turn on some uplifting music and get busy!
Your goal by the end of today is to have all your laundry finished, folded and put away. For those of you with a laundry room or laundry area, take some time to organize and clean up this area. Wipe down your washer and dryer, check for socks and other articles of clothing on the sides of and behind your washer and dryer, and clean out your dryer lint.
This is now done. Well, almost. I already wiped down the washer and dryer. I also shook out the rug in the room and swept the floor. As far as doing laundry goes I had a load in the dryer and a load in the washer this morning when I woke up, I also did a load of sheets. All three loads are now put away. Right now I have the dog's linens in the washer so I just need to dry those and put them back in the dog pen. YAY!!!
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