This is actually my first Works For Me Wednesday post. Hopefully it's decent!!

What works for me is using empty wipee boxes as storage boxes. Having a 21 month old we go through LOTS of wipees and I haven't been one of those economic people who just buy the refills. I actually buy the tubs of wipes. I started saving them, being the packrat that I am, knowing that I would eventually have a use for them. And then it struck me as I was weeding through my two "craft" drawers. I could use these boxes to organize all of my craft stuff. They work great! I now have an armoire half full of wipe boxes. And they have moved over to cabinet storage for pens, markers, chargers, coupons, etc. and now even to storing some of my daughter's smaller toys.

I use the Huggies brand of wipes for two reasons.
1. I like the actual wipe the best. They are thicker than other brands.
2. The boxes come in many pretty colors and the sticker on the front of the box is actually stuck on the plastic wrapping around the box. So when I take off the plastic to open the box there are no stickers to peel off, perfect for writing the contents of the box on the front with permanent marker.
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