Sunday, November 20, 2005

13 weeks...

Okay, so now I'm 13 weeks along. According to some sources I'm now in my second trimester, but according to others I still have a week to go. Either way I'm sooo excited about my pregnancy being a third of the way over! I've heard that from this point on time flies by. In some ways it feels like it already is, but in others it feels like time is standing still. Let's see what's going on with me? I've got morning sickness up the wazoo! I'm not throwing up, but I feel like I'm always nauseous and I'm gagging/dry heaving from the time I get up in the morning until the time I go to sleep. It's definitely gotten worse over the last week. Hopefully this will go away as I make my way into my second trimester.

This is what is going on with baby this week:
The growth of your baby is rapid and the head to rump length will double in the next 3 weeks. The baby's vocal cords are developing in the larynx but the baby will not make sounds until birth. This week all of the baby's twenty baby teeth have formed in the gums!

Other changes that are happening:
~Your baby's external genitalia are starting to show distinguishing characteristics.
~The baby's intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to the abdomen.
~The baby's pancreas is now producing insulin.

Baby's size this week: About 2.5-3 inches.
Right now your baby is about the size of a nectarine.

Also, hopefully I'll get another picture posted within the next couple of days.

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