Thursday, December 29, 2005

18.5 weeks...

Yes, I know that I'm a little late at posting this week, sorry for that. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas weekend!

So, yesterday we had a doctor's appointment. My doctor was on vacation so we saw a different doctor. The appointment went really well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, it was around 145 or 150 bpm. We also got to hear my heartbeat, it's amazing how much faster the baby's heartbeat is. I think he said that it's around twice as fast as the mom's. Anyways, he said that everything looked good, and that I'm progressing the way I should be. Oh, and also, we get to find out the sex in 13days!! Yea! We thought that we were going to have to wait 4weeks until our next appointment, but he said that they would see us in 2! So, we are VERY excited!!

Also, the fact that we are going to be parents is starting to hit me now. Now that we're almost to the half way mark, I'm starting to go wow, we're almost in the "countdown". In the next week and a half we'll be half there. I can't believe it. And, I've spent a lot of time reading up on pregnancy, at this point I think that I'm a whiz at it! But, now things like breastfeeding, and strollers, and cribs, and, bathing the baby, etc. are entering my head. This is definitely uncharted territory for me. It's kind of scary, but very exciting. We are actually going to have a little person with us in about five months!!

Again, you only have 13 more days to tell me what you think the sex is...
So far, the poll is:
Boy: 16 think this...
Girl: 7 think this...

Your baby's development this week:
The baby continues to grow bigger. You should be able to feel your uterus below your belly button. It is near this time that myelinization begins. This involves a coating of the nerves with a fatty subsatnce called myelin to speed up nerve cell transmission.

Other changes that are happening:
~Pads are forming on the baby's fingers and toes that will develop into characteristics of fingerprints and footprints.
~Fine hair is growing and covering your baby's hair and body.
~The baby's legs are now longer than the arms.

Baby's size (head to rump) this week: About 5 to 5.5 inches.
Weight: Approximately 5.5 ounces.
Right now your baby is about the size of a can of soda.

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